Creek Walk
Butchers Creek is a beautiful large rainforest creek that is our southern boundary with Wet Tropics World Heritage Forest. Take the right hand track down passed the dam and notice the grey soil and how the vegetation changes. The dominant forest is acacia regrowth with rainforest. This area had been cleared yet currently is being revegetated. Some pretty grevilleas and bottlebrushes attract nectar- eating birds. There are some large umbrella trees which when in flower are full of birds.

The acacia forest continues along the track to nearly the creek where the steeper slope harbours the rainforest. This pretty creek is named Butchers Creek, which is the name for the area too.
The walk follows a track down to the creek to a shallow fast flowing part called ‘the race’. Backtracking a little to the track above the creek you walk through a pretty fern patch and down to a series of pools where there is a good chance to see
platypus. They can be under water for minutes and appear briefly at the surface before submerging again. Be patient and enjoy the rest of the beauty around.
The track follows the creek again to a deck beside the creek where you may take a very refreshing dip in a mountain rainforest stream - a great place to relax and perhaps take a picnic lunch or a drink. The steep bank behind the deck is accessed by a series of steps hand hewn into the hillside to the ridge where the vegetation changes dramatically to wet sclerophyll forest. Here you will see large turpentine trees with their deep red stringy bark and tall banksia trees. If you follow the ridge down you will come to an impressive part of the creek with a large pool (perhaps platypus) and a lovely view upstream from the sandy bank. Very quietly look for turtles, which bask in the sun on the rocks beside the creek. They have amazing senses and will disappear very quickly into the water if disturbed.
Now for the climb back up the ridge. Take your time and note as you move away from the noise of the creek the birdcalls begin. For many birds the creek is a place to dip or feed but not for calling above the sound of the rushing waters.In some places you may see the remains of timber cutting. A velvety moss now covers the trunk remains of a time past and never to return here.

Duration: Allow a good two hours
Difficultly: Some steep parts, which can get slippery after rain. The return trip is the most difficult.